Since 2002 we've been changing the way people buy leather furniture
However you contact us, we're here to help
1(877)888-7632 - 9am-5pm PST
Since 2002 we've been changing the way people buy leather furniture
We're committed to being a different kind of furniture experience for our customers. Our team puts everything we've got into our Leather Furniture and our production environment gives us the ability to pay close attention to every order. By manufacturing our own furniture we're able to maintain tight control over quality while offering our customers almost endless custom options and the service they deserve.
We love people from around the world, but we also believe it's important that America still builds things. While others move production to China or Mexico (aka North American made) we've committed to keep manufacturing our products here in the United States.
We source elite leathers from some of the world's most famous tanneries. Our Italian Brompton and Berkshire Full Grain leathers are loaded with natural character and unique variations created by nature. Designers love our Jet Full Grain pigmented leathers, finished to provide consistent color and amazing colors.
Our customers have an option for either True 8-way Hand Tied Suspension or Heavy Duty 8 Gauge Sinuous Spring Suspension, both built by hand and covered under our lifetime warranty.
Nothing offers casual comfort quite like Feather & Down cushioning. We use a blend of Feather & Down in both the seat & back cushions on our leather furniture. It might surprise you to find out that many "feather & down" sofas on the market use 100% polyester in the back cushions, or blended in as a significant percentage of their "Feather & Down" cushions to cut costs.
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We start with Kiln-dried pieces of Solid Hardwood, and hand build your frame from the ground up. Corner Block reinforcement and substantial cross-support ensure you'll be enjoying our furniture for a long time to come.
The best way to understand our Leathers
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